Thursday, May 24, 2018

Kleyn Bank : Borderless Banking System

The trend of moving away from centralized to decentralized markets was introduced by the European Commission with Payment Services Directive (PSD) followed by PSD2 which comes into force next year which obliges financial institutions to grant the access to their various prod-ucts and services via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Successful integration of the directive will create the single trade and transaction market which also will bring users closer to the digitals assets.
Kleyn Bank are building a new generation bank : Cryptocurrencies trading platform, financial analysis on cryptos, Cryptobonds, Insurance.
We will provide seamless banking services for private person and customized services. Our services will include all type of sending and recving payment across the border.
The bank will also offer traditional products and services like insurance, payments and transfers, payment history and analysis, cash withdrawals at Kleyn Bank Smart ATMs, as well as at ATMs of our partnering banks. Additionally, KleynBank will provide smart support with integrated machine learning technologies to our individual customers — it will help to resolve issues between the bank and its customers in effective way.

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